Let’s find the words to ignite your brand.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story can make all the difference. I specialize in journalistic content with heart. Got a great story to tell? Feel free to reach out!

Puerto Rico’s Devastation & Recovery

“Puerto Rico might never be the same. I’ve never seen such destruction. Mother Nature is truly humbling.”

Reducing Veteran Suicide Numbers, One Service Dog at a Time

“The minute I held Arya, I knew my life was changing from that moment on. She became my motivation when I had none.”

Pink Fire Trucks on a Mission to Heal the World

“We can unite behind something besides religion and politics. It’s love, and love is universal.”

Allies in Oil

“One of the things that attracted me to the business was the quality of the people that work on rigs,” said Parker. “They were called ‘roughnecks’ and it is rough work, but they were good, salt of the earth people.”

rachel emry.jpg

Fight Like a Girl

“I think that women have been taught to not fight for too long and tolerate things for too long,” said Rachel. “No, we’re valuable, our bodies are valuable and that starts young. So, why not teach them young?”

UTPGE Class of 2015

The RigUp office is reminiscent of a scene out of the new HBO series “Silicon Valley” - from the bare bones office space with basketball hoops to the young, motivated staff



